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56 news items

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  1. 'Jihadist women, a threat not te be underestimated' now available in Arabic

    jihadist women

    News item | 16-02-2018 | 15:09

  2. Women play significant role in jihadism

    The role of women in jihadism should not be underestimated. Women are just as dedicated to the jihadist ideal as men, according ...

    News item | 18-12-2017 | 09:41

  3. Publication 'Cyberespionage: are you aware of the risks?'

    This joint AIVD/MIVD-publication sheds a light on the risks of cyberespionage for businesses and agencies.

    News item | 26-10-2017 | 10:52

  4. Publication ‘The Children of ISIS. The indoctrination of minors in ISIS-held territory’

    The joint NCTV/AIVD publication ‘The Children of ISIS. The indoctrination of minors in ISIS-held territory’ sheds light on the ...

    News item | 26-04-2017 | 13:55

  5. Annual Report 2016: Threat level for the Netherlands remains high

    In 2016 the threat level for the Netherlands remained unabated and is still considered high.

    News item | 04-04-2017 | 15:21

  6. Publication 'Focus on Returnees'

    The threat posed by future returnees is expected to be greater than the one that those who returned to the Netherlands before ...

    News item | 15-02-2017 | 12:03

  7. "Life with ISIS" in Arabic

    AIVD publication "Life with ISIS: the Myth Unravelled" is now available in Arabic (pdf).

    News item | 17-06-2016 | 16:50

  8. Annual report 2015: a range of threats to the Netherlands

    Threats against the Netherlands come from all sides and are increasingly complex and multifaceted, according to the Dutch General ...

    News item | 27-05-2016 | 11:15

  9. Life with ISIS is hard and full of violence

    People from the Netherlands who travel to ISIS territory are knowingly opting to join a terrorist group and in doing so they ...

    News item | 18-01-2016 | 09:30

  10. Annual report 2014: Not only returnees but also “stay-at-homes” pose a threat

    Each year the AIVD publishes an annual report of his activities.

    News item | 15-05-2015 | 12:10