158 publications
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Questionnaire security screening C
Questionnaire security screening B
Questionnaire security screening A
AIVD Annual Report 2020
On this page you can download an accessible version of the AIVD Annual report 2020
AIVD Annual Report 2019
On this web page you can download the AIVD Annual Report 2019. In this report, we look back on our activities of the past year.
Espionage, how to recognise and counter it
This AIVD-publication informs people on how to protect themselves against espionage andwhat they can do to counter these attempts.
Publication AIVD: Offensive cyber-programmes - An ideal business model for states
AIVD-publication about offensive (state-sponsored) cyber-programmes: they have become an ideal business model for states.
Is there a law that defines national security?
The Intelligence and Security Services Act 2017 (Wiv 2017): although the term national security is used in the Act, no definition ...
Is the intelligence that the AIVD obtains admissible in a court?
Yes, for third parties the AIVD issues official reports, which contain the findings of an investigation. These reports may be ...
Is there a law that regulates tasks and authority of the AIVD other than the Wiv 2017?
Yes. The Wvo (Wet veiligheidsonderzoeken, Security Screening Act) regulates screening of candidates who have applied for ...