
157 publications

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  1. Resilience and Resistance

    The report Weerstand en tegenkracht ('Resilience and Resistance') by the General Intelligence and Security Service of the ...

    Publication | 14-04-2010

  2. Three publications on espionage from AIVD and MIVD

    The AIVD and the MIVD have published three brochures about the risks of espionage. These are: Espionage in the Netherlands, ...

    Publication | 29-03-2010

  3. 'Resistance and opposition', stagnating growth of Salafi movement

    The growth of the Salafi movement in our country is stagnating owing to increased resistance. This process is also reducing the ...

    Publication | 15-03-2010

  4. The Flames of Resistance

    In recent times, opposition against asylum and immigration policy has begun to increase again and will continue to grow.

    Publication | 05-03-2010

  5. Animal rights extremism in the Netherlands

    The tactics used by animal rights extremists are often extremely intimidating for their victims, many of whom have come under ...

    Publication | 23-11-2009

  6. Annual Report 2008

    The English translation of the AIVD Annual Report 2008.

    Annual report | 25-05-2009

  7. Annual Report 2007

    The work of the AIVD is very wide-ranging and attracts notice from all sections of society. Its findings in 2007, especially the ...

    Annual report | 08-11-2008

  8. The AIVD observes a new phase in the development of Islamic radicalism

    Muslim radicalism has entered a new phase. Islamic neoradicalism, as the AIVD calls this phase, is characterized by the fact it ...

    Publication | 11-10-2007

  9. The radical dawa in transition

    Muslim radicalism has entered a new phase. Islamic neoradicalism, as the AIVD calls this phase, is characterized by the fact it ...

    Publication | 09-10-2007

  10. Animal rights activism in the Netherlands

    This paper is meant to bring the reader up to date on the latest developments and the current state of affairs concerning Dutch ...

    Publication | 05-09-2007