
156 publications

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  1. The Children of ISIS, The indoctrination of minors in ISIS-held territory

    A joint publication by the National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV) and the General Intelligence and ...

    Publication | 26-04-2017

  2. Annual report 2016

    In 2016 the threat level for the Netherlands remained unabated and is still considered high.

    Annual report | 04-04-2017

  3. Publication 'Focus on Returnees'

    Returning jihadist travellers pose a greater threat than was previously the case.

    Publication | 15-02-2017

  4. "Positions involving confidentiality and security screening" (booklet)

    If you have applied for a position that is designated a ‘position involving confidentiality’ (vertrouwensfunctie), or if you hold ...

    Leaflet | 05-07-2016

  5. 'Life with ISIS: the Myth Unravelled' available in Arabic

    People from the Netherlands who travel to ISIS territory are knowingly opting to join a terrorist group and in doing so they ...

    Publication | 17-06-2016

  6. Annual report 2015: a range of threats to the Netherlands

    Threats against the Netherlands come from all sides and are increasingly complex and multifaceted, according to the Dutch General ...

    Annual report | 27-05-2016

  7. Life with ISIS: the Myth Unravelled

    People from the Netherlands who travel to ISIS territory are knowingly opting to join a terrorist group and in doing so they ...

    Publication | 18-01-2016

  8. Director-general speaks at international counterterrorism meeting The Hague

    Speech Director-general of the AIVD and current chair of the European Counterterrorism Goup (CTG) Rob Bertholee at GCTF.

    Speech | 11-01-2016

  9. Salafism in the Netherlands: Diversity and dynamics

    Salafism in the Netherlands

    Publication | 22-10-2015

  10. How do I minimize the risk of my personal data being spread everywhere by viruses?

    Question and answer