36 publications
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The radical dawa in transition
Muslim radicalism has entered a new phase. Islamic neoradicalism, as the AIVD calls this phase, is characterized by the fact it ...
Violent jihad in the Netherlands
Since the 11 September 2001 attacks, the threat posed by Islamist terrorism has dominated the national and international security ...
'Life with ISIS: the Myth Unravelled' available in Arabic
People from the Netherlands who travel to ISIS territory are knowingly opting to join a terrorist group and in doing so they ...
Animal rights extremism in the Netherlands
The tactics used by animal rights extremists are often extremely intimidating for their victims, many of whom have come under ...
Guidelines for Integrity Projects
It is of crucial importance that the citizens have confidence in the proper functioning of public administration. This confidence ...
AIVD Analysis of vulnerability to espionage
The Dutch Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) acknowledges that economic, strategic, technical and scientific ...