
36 publications

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  1. Publication 'Focus on Returnees'

    Returning jihadist travellers pose a greater threat than was previously the case.

    Publication | 15-02-2017

  2. Publication 'Travelling abroad - Safety risks' now available in English

    Travelling abroad for professional purposes can make you a possible target for espionage. Are you well prepared?

    Publication | 16-04-2018

  3. Publication 'Jihadist women, a threat not to be underestimated'

    Publication of the AIVD about the role played by women and the threat jihadist women pose in the conflict area of Syria and Iraq ...

    Publication | 14-12-2017

  4. Publication Anti-institutional extremism in the Netherlands

    This publication is meant to provide an insight into the threat posed by anti-institutional extremism to the democratic legal ...

    Publication | 07-11-2023

  5. Publication AIVD: Offensive cyber-programmes - An ideal business model for states

    AIVD-publication about offensive (state-sponsored) cyber-programmes: they have become an ideal business model for states.

    Publication | 26-02-2020

  6. Publication AIVD: right-wing extremism in the Netherlands, a phenomenon in flux

    You can download this AIVD-publication on right-wing extremism in the Netherlands (2018) on this page.

    Publication | 01-11-2018

  7. Publication AIVD and MIVD 'Cyberespionage: are you aware of the risks?'

    A joint publication by the AIVD and MIVD on the threat of cyberespionage for businesses and agencies.

    Publication | 26-10-2017

  8. Publication AIVD: The legacy of Syria - Global jihadism remains a threat to Europe

    The conflict in Syria and the associated rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) had a major mobilising effect upon ...

    Publication | 09-11-2018

  9. AI-systems: develop them securely

    More and more computer systems are using AI or incorporating ML models. In this new publication, the AIVD shares ways AI systems ...

    Publication | 15-02-2023

  10. 'Resistance and opposition', stagnating growth of Salafi movement

    The growth of the Salafi movement in our country is stagnating owing to increased resistance. This process is also reducing the ...

    Publication | 15-03-2010