The AIVD and you

There are a number of ways in which you can contact the AIVD.

If you want information about the AIVD

We have a Communications Department, which provides general information about the service. You can contact the department through the main AIVD telephone number.

If you want to pass on information

If you noticed something suspicious, and you think this may be interesting to the AIVD, you can contact the service at any time, preferably by telephone. All information you provide is treated in the strictest confidence. Alternatively, you can report anything suspicious to the local police.

If the AIVD asks you for information

It is possible that you, your company, or your organisation is contacted by the AIVD with a request to help in an investigation into a particular person or organisation.

If you have to have a security screening by the AIVD

It is possible that you may at some time be screened by the AIVD: there are some 100,000 designated "positions involving confidentiality" in the Netherlands, for which the holders need security clearance.

These are posts, in both the government and the private sector, in which abuse of office could endanger national security. The AIVD will conduct a screening if you hold or are nominated for one of these positions.

There are several levels of clearance. For a so-called "A position", you will be interviewed personally by an AIVD officer. For a "B" or "C" position, that is not usually the case.

A security screening is never conducted without your knowledge: before it can begin, you must give us written permission to proceed.

If you ask to see your file

If you suspect that the AIVD holds a file on you, or has done so in the past, you can submit a request to inspect it.

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